Our aim is to prepare specialists in orthodontic and oral surgery with theoretical and practical skills, capable to adapt with the growing demands of our dental service.


OBJECTIVES: Graduated students at the end of this study program must have sufficient knowledge of:§  Normal / Topographic  Anatomy and  physiology of the organism§  Aspects of the pathological anatomy of the body and knowledge of some of the major    diseases of the oral cavity.§  Different groups of drugs, their origin, their absorption and elimination from the human body§  Professional marketing skills.They also should be able to:§  Respond the requirements of patients for better aesthetics and function§   Improve their treatment plans in the prevention and of dental anomalies and jaws, the removable appliances, fixed appliances, miofunctional etc.§  Learn and have knowledges of how to use modern methods and dental technology services.§  Be commited to work and have a high professional consciousness §  Intervent in cases of emergency income in their dental practice or during various surgical interventions. §  Indicate and contraindicate placing implants in the oral cavity and explain to the patients the reasons why, etc.§  Make a differential diagnosis of precancerous conditions of the oral cavity cancer All the objectives are in conformity with Directives 2005/36 / EC of the European Council and the Parliament and in accordance with the Laws of Higher Education and instructions of the Ministry of Education. The labor market today requires professionals of different specialties in Dentistry. To provide the best service, coherent and qualitative in this area and being able respond  the growing demands of patients by people professionally established, is now our obligation. This specialists generation is being prepared to respond the high rates of advancing technologies and dental materials.
In this study program, in addition to lectures and seminars it planned a sufficient number of hours for laboratory and clinical practices, in order to train students not only theoretically but also practically. The program also contains sufficient credits of professional practice which will be in the second and third year. Practice will enable students to train for the work they will do in the future after graduation.